HEARTHEART -the EARTH is supported with our HEART and HEART

XYZ cross wise

"Power of the Words" to contribute to society

About XYZ


Words have enormous power.
Also, words occasionally give us unexpected “awareness”.

On March 11th 2011, a huge earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and did tremendous damage. We can’t even measure how much we have lost through this disaster.
But through this unfortunate experience, we learned some very important things.
There were so many warm messages of support from all over the world.
It was like being given a big “HEART”.
And from this word “HEART”, I received another message.

When you write the word, “HEART” and “HEART” inline together, another word appears. The word is “EARTH”.

It was the “words” itself that taught me that Earth is held by the connection of our hearts and this idea is what aroused me to use the “power of words” into something good for the society.

Over 30 years since establishing ZYXYZ in 1984, I have pursued the work of creating brand names by using the given messages each words hold.
My wish is to utilize my experience and “power of words” to help make the world a better place where people’s heart connect with one another.
In order to connect as many peoples’ HEARTS as we can, and make these activities fruitful, we sincerely ask you all for your warm support and cooperation.

XYZ (cross wise) Specified NPO
Founder Keiko Yokoi

3 messages from “HEART”

Connect ‘HEART’ to ‘HEART’

Connecting ‘HEART’ to ‘HEART’, the word ‘EARTH’ appears in the middle.

‘The earth is supported by hearts linking with each other.’

Draw a circle with ‘HEART’

Reading the 5 letters ‘HEART’ starting from ‘E’, the word ‘EARTH’ appears.

‘The earth is essentially made of the heart.’

Place ‘HEART’ on ‘EARTH’

Placing the ‘HEART’ on top of the ‘EARTH’, the word ‘HEARTH’ appears.

‘The earth becomes a home filled with love’, when we join our hearts together.

Focusing on “HEART”, we feel that these messages received from this word tell us that this is the time to connect our hearts and think about the earth.

Now, what can we do for the Earth (society)?

From now on, how should we relate with the Earth (world)?

Towards the future, what should we leave and tell the Earth (generations)

We would like to connect with many people who can share their hearts with this theme, which can be said to be a universal challenge for us living on the Earth.


Organization XYZ (cross wise) Specified NPO
Establishment March 26, 2012
Address Head Office
2-15-6, Honcho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0012 Japan
Akasaka Office
2-17-64-802, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan
Representative Mari Yokoi
Associated organization ZYXYZ Inc.
